Page 14 - Cape-Camera-November-December-2023
P. 14

November/December 2023                                                                   Cape Camera                  Cape Camera                                                                                                                                          November/December 2023

               Rewarding CTPS members

               The annual year-end function was an evening of glitz, glamour and gaiety as members
               donned their glad rags to enjoy each others' company and reward our achievers.
               Photos: Joyce Goldschmidt and Kim Stevens

          The opulent Baroque-style decor of the Simon's func-  sumptious three-course meal at a price members can af-
          tion venue on the Groot Constantia wine estate is the  ford (albeit with club sponsorship) ... and that the even-
          ideal setting for an elegant feast — and this is what CTPS  ing proceeds without any glitches.
          members have come to expect from our annual year-   Jacoba van Zyl and Lesley Parolis looked after the com-
          end function.                                       petition aspects. It is a tremendous task to select the

          Apart from giving members an excuse to don their glad   best three photographers of the year in each rank in
          rags and enjoy each other's company, the function has   both Open and Set subject categories and Jacoba had
          another purpose: to present awards to the top achievers   to add up the total of the ten highest scores earned by
          and hard workers in the club.                       all members during the year. Marius Stockenstrom had
                                                              the 21 medals made.
          But, while the members who received awards were the
          visible stars of the show, a few behind-the-scenes work-  Lesley appointed the judges to select the winners in the
          ers were just as deserving of this title.           eight categories of the annual competition. She also de-
                                                              signed 70 certificates, created a slideshow of all the en-
          Anna Engelhardt and Joyce Goldschmidt are by now on   tries in the annual competition and top scoring images of
          first-name terms with the management and staff at Si-  the year , loaded all the information on the overhead pro-
          mon's, which enables them to ensure that we receive a   jector ... and managed to look cool, calm and collected.

          The best performers in the Salon/Masters grade with the highest scores from ten images are in the Open category: Jacoba
          van Zyl (1st), Lesley Parolis (2nd, and 3rd in the Set subject category) and Lambe Parolis (3rd).The Set subject winners in
          the Salon/Masters ranking are Kim Stevens (1st) and David Barnes (2nd).

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