Page 13 - Cape-Camera-November-December-2023
P. 13

Cape Camera                                                                                                                                          November/December 2023

          Expect to see some of the bling and gold objects from the   Mike de Villiers and Rudi Pothas. Photo: Joyce Goldschmidt.
          venue in Martin Barber's future work.               Miracle workers (continued)

                                                              mountings and frames would have looked like a patch-
                                                              work, instead of a professionally curated exhibition.
                                                              Kim Stevens and Lesley Parolis assisted Anna with select-
                                                              ing the CTPS images for the exhibition. Some members
                                                              from other clubs who are not familiar with print work
                                                              had submitted images with too low resolution, or had
                                                              some  problems that Kim could correct.
                                                              Anna negotiated with the clubs to send new images, if
                                                              required, and obtained the information about the pho-
                                                              tographers to go on the labels. Once all images were
                                                              ready, Anna and Lesley worked with Marlon Abrahams
         CTPS members Mariette Muller, Steff Hughes, Mireille Land-  from Orms to get the best print quality.
         man (standing) Friso Woudstra from Kleinmond and Ken
         Woods at Martin's presentation.                      In  the  meantime, Anna and  Andre  Mouton designed
                                                              the leaflets with contact details of the clubs to be dis-
                                                              tributed to visitors. Trudi du Toit also obtained further
                                                              information from the clubs for the online booklet she
                                                              designed that is hosted on the CTPS website, which can
                                                              be assessed with a QR code.
                                                              The main headache was the hanging of the prints, be-
                                                              cause experience from last year taught us that the un-
                                                              even walls and wind can easily dislodge the prints. Lots
                                                              of discussion went into finding the best tape to affix the
                                                              prints in a manner that they can be taken down again
                                                              without damaging the walls. Eventually it was decided
                                                              to use double sided tape ... and regularly return to in-
          Dieter Bütow talking to Theo Potgieter (CTPS and Tafelberg),   spect and re-attach the prints threatening to fall down.
          Chris Kinross (Creative Camera Club), Andrew Denny (CTPS)   An unenviable task Lesley and Marius Stockenstrom
          Wendy Taylor (Creative) and Andre Mouton (CTPS).    took upon themselves.

                                                              Two days before the opening the  hanging team was
                                                              called into action. Veterans Anna, Lesley, Kim, Marius,
                                                              Joyce and Richard Goldschmidt, Nicol, Andre and Mike
                                                              de Villiers knew the drill and followed Anna's  carefully
                                                              plotted plan of what goes where. New club member
                                                              Rudi Pothas soon got into the  hang of things: cutting
                                                              and applying tape, lining up all images in a straight row
                                                              equidistant from each other and then carefully pressing
                                                              down on the taped edges to make sure that they are at-
                                                              tached to the walls.
                                                              And then, all that remained was to stand back and ac-
         CTPS members  Jonathan Burchell, Andre Mouton, Mike de   cept all the compliments from visitors.
         Villiers and Robert Maginley enjoying the refreshments.   Miracle accomplished!

          Cape Town Photographic Society                                                                                                                                                                                                                  13
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