Page 8 - Cape-Camera-November-December-2023
P. 8

November/December 2023                                                                   Cape Camera                  Cape Camera                                                                                                                                          November/December 2023

         Oh! What a celebration!

         Thousands of visitors are daily admiring the Celebration of Photography exhibition at the Groot
         Constantia Wine Estate, which CTPS curated, compiled and is hosting on behalf of the photo-
         graphic clubs in the Western Cape. This is truly a celebration of club members' talent and we can
         be proud of our contribution to promoting photography in the Western Cape, says Trudi du Toit.
         Photos Joyce Goldschmidt and Trudi du Toit.

          The CTPS exhibition showcasing the work of 171 West-  That it is better to give than receive can be illustrated
          ern Cape photographers from 21 clubs can still be  with two examples: a junior member of a club started
          viewed at the Groot Constantia wine tasting venue until  crying when she saw her print at the opening func-
          31 December — and do yourself a favour by visiting the  tion. "It was tears of joy, because I was so overwhelmed
          exhibition, while perhaps enjoying a glass of wine in the  to be part of this beautiful event," she says. A rural club
          venue or a meal at one of the restaurants.          planned a Saturday morning outing to the exhibition so
          This is our contribution to promoting photography in   that all their club members could see their work.
          the Western Cape. We have given small clubs without re-  CTPS was this year's designated host of the annual Inter-
          sources and remote rural clubs the opportunity of show-  club awards event, but at a special meeting of the West-
          ing their work to the thousands of visitors from across  ern Cape Photographic Forum (WCPF) clubs voted that
          the globe to this prime tourist spot — and that was be-  the competition should be replaced by a Celebration of
          fore the local holiday tourist season started!      Photography  event, organised by CTPS.

          Visitors admiring the exhibition prints in the foyer of the Tasting venue. Right: Western
          Cape Photographic Forum (WCPF) chair Lynne Kruger-Haye presented a huge bouquet to
          exhibition organiser Anna Engelhardt.

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