Page 7 - Cape-Camera-November-December-2023
P. 7

Cape Camera                                                                                                                                          November/December 2023

          Above: Lindsay Antonio, Dieter and Karin Butow, Kishore Seegobin  and
          Gaetan Manuel at lunch at the Caudan Waterfront.
          Right: Kishore,Dieter,Lindsay and Gaetan in Port Louis.
          Meeting our Mauritian members

          When  my  wife  Karin and I  decided  to  visit  friends in  laxed exchange of ideas and experiences.
          Mauritius early in October, the obvious thing to do was   A few weeks later CTPS members were happy to return
          to meet the members of CTPS that join us via Zoom so   the compliment and play host to Kishore Seegobin
          often and show their beautiful island images, reports   when he visited Cape Town.
          Dieter Bütow.                                       After spending a day sightseeing and visiting with the
          Our outing was arranged via WhatsApp before we de-  Bütows, he joined Lesley Parolis and Nicol and Trudi du
          parted and we met Kishore Seegobin, Gaetan Manual   Toit for breakfast at Simon’s restaurant at Groot Con-
          and Lindsay Antonio at the Caudan Waterfront in Port   stantia, he had the opportunity to visit the Celebration
          Louis. All three are retired.                       of Photography exhibition hosted by CTPS in the wine
          They suggested that we do some street photography  tasting venue next door to the restaurant.
          while visiting the Caudan Waterfront (some similarities   Prior to that he had spent a few days along the West
          to  the V&A Waterfront),  the  Chinese Quarter  and  the   Coast on a private photoshoot with Peter Haarhoff —
          main market in the centre of town.                  which we’ll, no doubt, be seeing in competitions during
          The outing was concluded with a casual lunch and a re-  the coming months.

          Nicol and Trudi du Toit and Lesley Parolis enjoying the compa-
          ny of Kishore Seegobin during breakfast at Simon’s.  Showing Kishore our exhibition at Groot Constantia.

                                       Welcome to two new members

           A warm welcome to our two new members who joined CTPS in November. Roy Gaylard, a member of
           Creative Camera Club, decided to join CTPS following a recommendation by member Marion Jackson.
           Matthew Hendricks is new to the camera club community. As a corporate researcher his knowledge will
           be welcomed when we do our next survey.

          Cape Town Photographic Society                                                                                                                                                                                                                  7
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