Page 3 - Cape-Camera-November-December-2023
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Cape Camera                                                                                                                                        November/December 2023

                             News from the Council

                               I am truly proud to be a member  making  a  clean  sweep  of  the
                                 of  CTPS. As we  begin  our  awards in the annual compe-
                                   Festive Season celebrations,   tition (see p17).
                                    we can look back on the   Thank you very much for
                                    many reasons our society   your hard work calculat-
                                    and members have to      ing the  winning scores  in
                                    celebrate.               the different ranks, Jacoba
                                    Top of mind is, of course,   van Zyl,  and for running
                                    our Celebration of Photog-  the annual, and all our other
                                   raphy exhibition, which our   competitions, Lesley Parolis.
                                 team of miracle workers, led  I don't believe we always appre-
                               by Anna Engelhardt, managed  ciate how much work Lesley puts into all these
                            to  plan, curate and host in record   additional competitions, for example, the annual club bat-
         time. Read more from p8.                            tle across the oceans with the Scottish club Kirkcaldy. You
         I believe CTPS made a huge contribution to promoting   can see all the images that were entered by both clubs and
         photography in the Western Cape with this exhibition,   their scores on p22.
         which is still showing the numerous Groot Constantia visi-  Last, but not least, I would like to celebrate our council
         tors the high quality work produced by our club members,   and club members who always come to the party when we
         until December 31st. This gives exposure to smaller clubs   ask for assistance when there is work to be done or at-
         that are not able to hold print exhibitions and I was es-  tendance required to make an event a success. Thank you!
         pecially touched by the reaction of a junior member from  Last year you all contributed to making us the Top Club
         a rural club. She says she was so touched when she saw   in the Western Cape for our salon acceptances. But, we'll
         her print amongst all the other impressive works, that she   need you to repeat the wonderful results of the recent
         started crying.                                     Vanderbijlpark Salon (61 points!) in the remaining salons
         Our own club achievers were celebrated at our year end   of the year if we want to catch up with the points gained
         function, which  was,  as  last year,  held  in the glamorous   by Tafelberg Fotografieklub this year (see p4).
         and elegant Simon's Function venue. Thanks to Joyce Gold-   Please stay safe during the holiday season and I do hope
         schmidt and Anna Engelhardt it was again a grand occasion   you will treat yourself to plenty of good photography
         that made everybody feel good. Read more from p14.  time. Remember, our competition evening in January is
         The annual awards form a major part of this event and this   only on the 17th and please consult our website for all oth-
                                                             er changes to the calendar.
         year the evening belonged to Kim Stevens, who was hon-
         oured for her work for the club, high scores in monthly                                   Nicol du Toit
         competitions,  her  PSSA  achievements  and  for  almost                                     President

                                             Contact CTPS Council

          President            Nicol du Toit   0823778285     Members & events     Anna Engelhardt 082 413 2112
          Vice-President       Lesley Parolis  082 780 6925   Outings              Andre Mouton     071 892 1981
          Secretary            Rudi Pothas     082 51 69215   Cape Camera          Trudi du Toit    082 572 6127
          Treasurer            Andre Mouton    071 892 1981   Website              Andre Mouton     071 892 1981
          Competitions         Lesley Parolis  082 780 6925   Venue                Mike de Villiers  074 113 1415
          E & D                Steff Hughes    082 356 3979   Public Relations     Trudi du Toit    082 572 6127

                       Off-Council workers                                      Editorial team

          Weekend outings        Richard Goldschmidt                Cape Camera Editor    Trudi du Toit
          Member promotions      Jacoba van Zyl                     Proofreader           Lesley Parolis
          Members & Events       Joyce Goldschmidt                  Competitions          Lesley Parolis
          Special Projects       Kim Stevens                        Events Photographer   Joyce Goldschmidt
          Facebook               Kim Stevens & Steff Hughes         Judges comments       Anna Engelhardt
          Investments            Richard Goldschmidt                Member profiles       Dave Gordon
          Snapshot               Andre Mouton                       Publisher             Andre Mouton
          AV Group               Ken Woods                          PS Tips               Kim Stevens
          Venue Assist           Phil Green                         Travelogues           Brian Jones

          Cape Town Photographic Society                                                                                                                                                                                                                  3
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