Page 2 - Cape-Camera-November-December-2023
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November/December 2023                                                                   Cape Camera                  Cape Camera                                                                                                                                        November/December 2023

            CAPE CAMERA                       WHAT’S INSIDE

                                            03             News from the CTPS Council

                                                           Council news you need to know about.

                                            04             In the news

                                                           Performances of members and important news.

                                            08             Celebration of Photography
                                                           The unique  exhibition CTPS  is hosting for  Western
                                                           Cape clubs at Groot Constantia is a huge success..
                                           11              CTPS' team of magic workers

                                                           The volunteers tasked  to plan, curate,  mount  and
                                                           host the exhibition for the region worked wonders.

          On The Cover                     12              Martin Barber rocked and moved us

         Cederberg Dawn by Lesley Parolis                  The renowned Gauteng photographer and speaker
         was a top scoring image in our                    Martin Barber inspired the region's photographers.
         CTPS November competition and
         was awarded a Certificate of Merit                Glamorous year-end function
         in the print section of the Vander-  14           This was again a memorable and very enjoyable evening
         bijlpark Salon.                                   during which all our achievers received  to 13awards.
         Lesley  explains as  follows:  “This
         image was made in August this                     Annual competition
         year while on an Astro Photography   17           All the winners and their winning images entered in
         workshop led by Kyle Goetsch and
         Jon Kerrin to the southern part of                the eight categories of this once-off competition.
         the Cederberg, near Op-Die-Berg.
         Most of the shoots were done at                   Bird outing to Woodbridge Island
         night in the freezing cold, which   20            See some of the images members captured on this
         yielded beautiful Milky Way land-                 outing led by Vernon Chalmers.
         scapes and star trails, but on one
         of the mornings we headed out to                  Kirkcaldy competition
         a dam nearby to catch the sunrise   22
         over the mountains with the dam in                See all the images that were entered by both clubs in
         the foreground.                                   this annual competition with the Scottish club.
         I  found  a  lovely  composition  with
         the proteas right in front of the lens.   28      Winning images from November
         I waited for the sun to catch the tops            The images that won the different categories and ad-
         of the mountains and then took the                vancement levels, with comments from the judges.
         shots. I wanted to make the water
         soft and streaky, so I set the shutter            High scoring images entered in November
         speed at 25s, with F14, ISO 80, and   37          Images that were awarded 24 or more points.
         the focal length at 42 mm. I used
         my Nikon Z9 and a 24-70 mm lens.
         I took one image focussing on the
         proteas in the front and then anoth-
         er image focussing on the moun-    Cape Town Photographic Society (CTPS) was founded
         tains behind. The two raw files were   in 1890.  It became a founding member of the
         processed with DXO PureRaw3 and    Photographic Society of South Africa (PSSA) in 1954
         further processed in Lightroom.    and has been affiliated to PSSA ever since.
         They were then combined in Photo-
         shop to produce an image that was   Website:
         sharp from front to back .“        Facebook

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