Page 5 - Cape-Camera-November-December-2023
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Cape Camera                                                                                                                                          November/December 2023

                                             In the News

          Good PDI results for CTPS members in Vanderbijlpark salon

          CTPS members also earned an impressive number         Table 2: Print table —  WC  Top 10
          of 31 salon points in this salon’s PDI section.
          Jacoba van Zyl earned no less than 8 points with   Name        Club       Impala  VFV  Total  WC
          PDI acceptances in the following categories: Open                           log    salon points Pos
          Colour (3), Monochrome (2), Nature - No Birds (1),
          Photo Travel and Street (1) and Scapes (1).    Kim Stevens     CTPS          16     11      27    1
          Nicol du Toit got 6 PDI acceptances in the follow-  Anna Engelhardt CTPS     4      10      14    2
          ing categories: Nature - Birds Only (2), Scapes (2),   Lambe Parolis  CTPS   7       2      9     3
          Open Monochrome and Photo Travel and Street    Lesley Parolis  CTPS          3       6      9     3
          (one each).                                    Mariana Visser  Tafelberg     6       3      9     3
          Neels Beyers  earned 4 acceptance points in    Phillip de Lange Tafelberg    6       3      9     3
          Scapes (2), Open Colour (1) and Nature - No Birds
          (1).                                           Nicol du Toit   CTPS          5       1      6     7
          Simon Mouton earned a COM for the image        Dixon Norval    Tafelberg     3       2      5     8
          Misty May morning  in  the  Scapes  category,  and   Herman Olivier  Swartland  4    0      4     9
          received an acceptance in the Photo travel and   Karen van Zyl  Tafelberg    2       0      2     10
          Street category.                               Louise de Lange Witzenberg    2       0      2     10
          Marianna Meyer also earned a COM in the Open
          Colour category with the image Beacon Isle.            Table 3: PDI points —  WC  Top 30
          Anna Engelhardt added a further two points                               Impala  VFV      Total  WC
          to her print points with two acceptances in PDI   Name            Club     log    salon  points Pos
          Lesley Parolis likewise earned two more points   Christo Giliomee Tafelberg  74     13     87     1
          with an acceptance each in Scapes and Nature-No   Theo Potgieter  Tafelberg  58     3      61     2
          Birds.                                         Pieter Swart    Tygerberg    47      13     60     3
          Jeanette du Toit gained two acceptances in the   Dixon Norval  Tafelberg    41      5      46     4
          Nature - No Birds category. Lambe Parolis and   Andre Stipp    Swartland    32      7      39     5
          Trudi du Toit each earned one acceptance.
                                                         Mariana Visser  Tafelberg    37      1      38     6
          Table 2: The ‘Impala log’ column shows the points ac-  Sonja Myburgh  Paarl  31     6      37     7
          cording to the Print Impala log up to the Witzenberg
          Salon, which was the last print salon where points had   Nicol du Toit  CTPS  27    6      33     8
          been calculated. The points earned in the recent Van-  Neels Beyers  CTPS   22      4      26     12
          derbijlpark salon (VFV) is indicated in the second col-
          umn. The last column shows the member’s print posi-  Anna Engelhardt CTPS   16      2      18     20
          tion in the Western Cape.                      Lesley Parolis  CTPS         15      2      17     21
          Table 3: The ‘Impala log’ column shows the points ac-
          cording to the PDI Impala log up to the Westville Salon,   Trudi du Toit  CTPS  15  1      16     22
          which was the last salon where points had been calcu-  Jacoba van Zyl  CTPS  5      8      13     25
          lated. The points earned  in  the recent Vanderbijlpark
          salon (VFV) is indicated in the second column.   Simon Mouton CTPS          7       3      10     27

                                                          Start preparing for the first print circuit

                                                          CTPS members have an excellent opportunity to improve
                                                          their print points in salons by entering the Cape Photogra-
                                                          phers’ Print Circuit. The three regions that formed Cape
           Honours for salon acceptances                  Photographers — the  Western Cape, Eastern Cape and
           Trudi du Toit was awarded DPSSA for gaining 125   Garden Route — will each judge a leg of this circuit. Les-
           acceptances in salons recognised by PSSA and the   ley Parolis will be director of the Western Cape section.
           AFIAP distinction for gaining 40 acceptances in in-  What’s more, the judging will be done live on 27 April, prior
           ternational salons with FIAP patronage. See more   to the start of the 2024 Cape Photographers Congress in
           about the requirements on the PSSA ‘Honours’   Calitzdorp. The entry deadline is 20 April 2024 and the bro-
           and ‘International’ pages at   chure is already available on the PSSA salon page.

          Cape Town Photographic Society                                                                                                                                                                                                                  5
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