Page 4 - Cape-Camera-November-December-2023
P. 4

November/December 2023                                                                   Cape Camera                  Cape Camera                                                                                                                                          November/December 2023

                                             In the News

         ‘Polished Oak’ by Kim Stevens (above) was the winning print in the Colour
         print category of the Vanderbijlpark salon.

         Right: ‘Calatrava Graphics’ by Kim Stevens was the runner-up in the Mono-
         chrome print category of the Vanderbijlpark salon.

         Great CTPS results in Vanderbijlpark salon — especially prints!

         Congratulations to all the CTPS members who entered  accepted.
         in the Vanderbijlpark Salon (VFV) and earned us 61 salon   Anna Engelhardt’s 10 print points earned in this sa-
         points in one go ... 20 points more than Tafelberg Foto-  lon is equally impressive: in both the Colour and Mono-
         grafieklub, which has been the dominant Western Cape   chrome categories 5 of the 6 prints she could enter per
         club with gaining salon points this year.            category were accepted. Or, looking at it from another
         CTPS members did especially well with print entries ...  point of view: only 1 of the 6 prints she entered in each
         gaining  30 points with salon acceptances. This was the  category were not accepted. That takes some doing!
         most points any club earned in this salon.           Lesley Parolis also gained acceptances with 5 of the 6
         Kim Stevens was the outstanding performer in the  Colour prints she entered — and one of them, our cover
         print category, earning 11 points for prints. She won the   image for this issue, Cederberg dawn earned a  Certifi-
         Colour print category with  Polished Oak and was the   cate of Merit (COM).
         runner-up in the Monochrome print category with Cala-  In addition, Lambe Parolis had two prints accepted
         trava Graphics.  In addition, four more of her prints were  and Nicol du Toit one print.

                                                                                                 Table 1:
                       PDI points  PDI VFV   Total  Print points  Print       Total    FULL
              Club     Impala log    Salon     PDI    Impala log     VFV      Print    TOTAL     WC clubs
          Tafelberg        299         33      332         20         8         28       360     CTPS is far ahead
                                                                                                 of the other clubs
          CTPS             111         31      142         35         30        65       207     on the log with
          Tygerberg         75         15       90                              0        90      print points ... but
                                                                                                 Tafelberg  is  still
          Swartland         69         14       83         5                    5        88      far ahead with
          Paarl             55                  55                              0        55      a 190-point PDI
                                                                                                 lead! The column
          Hermanus          44          8       52                              0        52      PDI points for Im-
          CCC               15                  15                              0        15      pala log refer to
                                                                                                 the points allocat-
          Witzenberg        13          4       17         2                    2        19      ed up to the West-

          Kleinmond         15                  15                              0        15      ville PDI salon.
                                                                                                 The print Impala
          Fish Hoek         8                    8                              0         8      points were up to
          Durbanville       2                    2                              0         2      the  Witzenberg
          4                                                                     Cape Town Photographic Society
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